Friday, April 29, 2011

April Scavenger Hunt

April Scavenger Hunt with Postcards from the P.P. This month had some real challenges for me.

Holy Savior Church 
(my parish church)

A Cross from our cemetery.

An angel sculpture on a tomb.

My car keys.

Couldn't find an interesting shop but found a restaurant. 
Cajun spelling of "go".

The only showers we've had around here.
Easter dress from last year for Georgia.

Cinnamon rolls, yum!

My Easter display.

"Kiss Me, Kate"~ my daughter

Red Roses for St. George

My peeps cake for Easter filled with lemon curd.

My camera~the hardest picture to take.

Can't wait for the list for May. I need to start earlier!!


  1. I think I would like to play! I quickly looked at the link. I'll give it a longer look for the details. Fun!

  2. I think your egg display is wonderful!


thanks for visiting-come back soon!!