Monday, January 11, 2010

"Hello My Friend"

One of Gabe's favorite toys are his big blocks so I saw this fabric on another blog(which I'm going to search for and post) and ordered some right away to make him a bag for his birthday. It's super big and the fabric is just perfect-a great weight and texture. I made the bottom and top band with some yellow twill and added grommets to pull it shut and carry it. He should be able to carry quite a few blocks (or toys) with it!
block bag, originally uploaded by suesueb.

The selvedge was too cute not too make sure it showed! Japanese fabric always has great selvedges!!

I couldn't find the blog but here is the link for the fabric-I received it so quickly!

1 comment:

  1. What great fabric and such a cute and handy toy bag! Thanks for the link.


thanks for visiting-come back soon!!