Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Rachael

Happy Birthday Rachael, originally uploaded by suesueb.

30 years ago I had my first child and I knew motherhood was something I was born for. I adore babies and children and every one of my children has given me great joy (with a few heartaches) along the way. Now that I have grands, hopefully I'll have another 30 or more years to look forward to loving more and sharing with them all. I told them not long ago that I expect at least a dozen. Four down, eight to go!!


  1. No, no - with a name like Lagniappe you're sure to get NINE more! Grandkids are sooo wonderful. xoxo Nancy

  2. What an utterly adorable little granddaughter. I'm so jealous, because I want one, too!

  3. Happy Birthday...What a cutie!

    Thanks for visiting me on Pink Saturday.

  4. Is that Goergia?

    A dozen grandkids .. . . that would be fun. They say Lolas (grandmas) tend to spoil the little ones :-) But who's complaining? LOL

    Love the owl pillow you made.


  5. Belated happy birthday to your granddaughter. She is so cute with that lovely smile. You both look lovely in that picture. Thank you for sharing it.


thanks for visiting-come back soon!!