Friday, December 11, 2009

2009 Christmas Tree

2009 Christmas Tree, originally uploaded by suesueb.
For some reason I'm having a hard time signing on to my blog so I'm doing this through flickr. My daughter gave me this aluminum tinsel tree one Christmas years ago and I usually put it up along with a real tree )which I decorate in vintage ornaments and red and green colors). This year I cut back on so much decorating and simply put this one up with its' pinks, blues and greens and did the mantel to match. I hope I can get on my computer blogs tomorrow to visit the pink ladies of saturday fame! Happy pink (and red and green) week to y'all all!!
Finally got here! Sometimes my computer won't load up my blog (or others). I really don't know how to make it go faster. Anyway, here's the link to visit for Pink Saturday.


  1. Happy Pink Sat....the tree is so sweet...we use to have a big one with a colored wheels that sat on the floor and shone red and green as it turned towards the tree...very fun!
    God Bless

  2. Great tree! My grandmother had an aluminum had a light that rotated with different colors that made the tree look like it changed colors.

    Hope you get your computer glitches worked's horrible when your computer doesn't work! Happy Pink Saturday.

  3. suesueb, I'm sorry to hear about your computer problems, but I'm so glad you were able to publish the photo of your lovely tree. Have a great Pink Saturday.

  4. What a festive tree!! We're all simplifying it this year, I think. But Christmas is always magical, just the same.

    Have a lovely Pink SAturday!

  5. SueSue... that is a FUN tree! I love it! One of my friends had an aluminum tree when we were little, and I fell in love with them then. Yours is the perfect size, too. I'm thinking of only doing my tabletop tree this year, too. I'm so far behind!

    Happy Pink Saturday!


    Sheila :-)

  6. We don't need elaborate decorations or a big tree or numerous gifts under a tree. All any of us needs is to carry the spirit of Christmas in our hearts and to share it all year long with everyone we meet.

    Thank you so much for sharing your blog with me today. Yes, I'm crazy about ♥PINK♥ but I'm also devoted to visiting some of the nicest blogs in cyberspace.

    Hoping your weekend is filled with peace.

  7. Love the aluminum tree. so festive. Hope your computer cooperates soon.
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  8. Love the tinsel tree. My grandparents had a tall one that had the rotating light to make it change color. I bought a small one a couple of years ago and decorate it with blue and green. There's no room for it this year becuse like you the daughter has moved back with her two children and we are bursting at the seams! Love your blog, and a big Pinkie thanks for visiting mine.

  9. So pretty!!
    sparkle sparkle sparkle!!

    Happy PS early too:)



thanks for visiting-come back soon!!