Friday, October 9, 2009

Mystic Mantle

Mystic Mantle, originally uploaded by suesueb.
Finally got around to decorating for this year. I ordered some more things but haven't received them yet so I used what I had. My family and I love this holiday-we always have a big party (my turn this year) and everyone has to dress up, even a simple costume. We've had some great ones!!  I have more pictures on my flickr page and will add as I put more out! Happy Halloween!


  1. ewwwwwww, creepy cool! :D

    yappping cat

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice comment about my witch jars! Unfortunately, I've lost the link for the labels! If you email me at: laura (at) katydid-designs (dot) com, I would be happy to email my copies to you!

  3. Very cool set-up! I love the spider going up the ladder...too funny!


thanks for visiting-come back soon!!