Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pink Saturday and Happiness to Me!

I wanted to share with y'all the wonderful goodness I ordered from Etsy!! I bought a present for myself and I'm smile everytime I look at it!

This adorable pincushion is for my new workroom. It is absolutely perfect!! Sweet little fabric nestled in an aqua bowl.............

A bunch of foresty friends to share my space...........

All nestled in their new little home.............

I bought this fabulous goodness from an Etsy seller, Pinks and Needles. Appropriate to share for today with all my Pink gals from Beverly's, right? Hope to see y'all around!!


  1. A pin cushion in a bowl, but what's more interesting . . . the pins! ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how cute are they? Now these are the kind of forestry friends that'll stay and won't be too noisy or poisonous LOL


  2. Such sweet little gifts for yourself! There are so many wonderful creative artists on ETSY.

    Happy pink-ness!

  3. I love that pincushion, and the pins are adorable.

  4. these are really lovely. they will make you smile every time you use them

  5. What a cute pin cushion!!
    and the pins are adorable too!!

    Happy belated pink Saturday:)

    Have a wonderful week,



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