Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First Mosaic

My first mosaic made with pictures from my niece. These were taken at the birthday party for Celie. Of course, I think they're precious!
I tried all morning to publish these from Big Huge Labs with no success. I finally saved it in IPhoto and pulled it from there. There's still so much I need to learn about the computer!!
p.s. Don't you wish as a mom that you could trade all your kids' hurts or heartaches!! One of those weeks!


  1. Aaaawww cuties! Such cuties! And don't they just melt your heart away?

    I too enjoy bighugelabs and picnik too!


  2. dang, those are some seriously cute kiddos!!!
    i wish i could help with the uploading, but i know nothing about macs...and nothing about trading the hurts + heartaches, but i so agree with you on that one.
    i love you!
    xxx, cathy

  3. Lovely mosaic! All I do with BHL is save picture as and then up load it like any other photo. I love making mosaics!

  4. Adorable!!Such precious children:)



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