Tuesday, January 6, 2009

a most ambitious project

going through my work room to try to start the new year right. i have all these yo-yo's that i made way back in high school. my mom had the neatest pictures of quilts and pillows made with these and i fell in love. of course, after making a bunch the project seemed too large and was saved. my thought was to put the ones i finished together and make a small quilt at least.
i needed more blues and greens since i had decided on those colors but the new fabrics just don't blend do they? (please ignore the extraneous objects)
i went through the stack of already cut circles and decided to add purples too to make up what i needed. i also went through some vintage fabric from mom and cut some more blues and greens. maybe i'll finish in a couple of months. then again-maybe not.
also including a delicious picture of some oysters my hubby baked last night. how can you go wrong with garlic, butter and parmesan cheese? yum!!


  1. Wow! Ambitious and beautiful too!!!

  2. Hello! I love yo-yo's...especially made from vintage fabrics. I'm hopelessly in love with vintage fabric. I'll look forward to see what you come up with. Oh, and the oysters look divine!! I miss those tiny Bon Secour oysters.

    I'm so glad you like my new blog, A Vintage Collection, and that you find much inspiration for future creating! :0)

    Have a grand day,
    Queen of Dreamsz

  3. Hiya Suesue...i love your yoyos in my fav colours too!! I've popped a link to your blog on my VTT post today, pop over & you'll see why :) xx


thanks for visiting-come back soon!!