Friday, October 3, 2008

everyday tools

really haven't posted in so long so i decided to join tracy in the weekly "capture" challenge. this weeks challenge is the tools we use everyday. below are some of my scissors. the small one for my knitting bag, a zigzag one, two good fabric scissors (which better not be used otherwise for fear of death) and two paper scissors.
next is my camera. it's not easy to take a picture of that! i try to have it with me always. it's not a great camera but it's the one i have. since i've started blogging and flickr, i notice so many more things in the world around me and my own home.
another thing i consider a tool is my computer. everyday i read a few blogs that inspire me to do more when i can. they lead me to places i never thought to go and i truly thank all those who have given me a chance to dream here and create. 
go check out the site and join the other artists there. i'm looking forward to next wednesday!! thanks tracy! can't figure out how to add the side link so i added the site to my blogroll.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your can't live without tool selection and just Love your blog banner!


thanks for visiting-come back soon!!