Monday, June 23, 2008

"Enter you, my friends"

"Enter you, my friends", originally uploaded by suesueb.

the shades of inspiration color for this week is blue. i love all colors but blue is one of my favorites. my kitchen and dining room are both decorated with blue items--a lot of blue items! this saying is painted along the top of my dining room wall. It celebrates my cajun french heritage. when i first painted it, my youngest son was so embarrassed. he thought his friends would think me weird. thank goodness he's grown up and realized the freedom of expression and the fact that everyone's home should reflect their personality. i love my home. it is truly a haven. i hope my children always feel that way and know they can bring friends here and they will be welcomed. there are two more pictures of the saying. visit my flickr page or the shades of inspiration flickr page to see them all. thanks!


  1. Hah! Another Louisiana quilter! Love your blog title and the message on your blue wall.

  2. well, hello, you!!! i am so excited that you have started a blog (and a bit jealous, too)! i've been thinking of starting one for about 3 years now, but always chicken know how i am with time-management and having a gabillion things already to do. maybe in a month or so, i can get you to help me set one up. ;)
    i hope to see you in a few weeks...xoxo, cathy


thanks for visiting-come back soon!!