Friday, August 27, 2010


Good morning and Happy Pink Saturday to all! Today the pink group is sharing a link to lend a helping hand to a special cause. All comments will earn $1 and go to helping Guideposts and Katillac Shack donate another makeover. Kelee did a Miracle Makeover for Colette, someone in need of a beautiful place to heal. Please view the video and leave a comment here and every place you can!!

When I decide to do this with Beverly at How Sweet the Sound, I wasn't sure of what to write about or post. I was just going to do another pink post. Then this week an incident occurred that I want to share. My brother called to ask me for help in collecting clothes for a single dad and his kids who had lost all their belongings in a fire. The dad wears a large size and I didn't know anyone to call. I posted a note on facebook and decided to go to a local thrift shop to maybe find things. While there, my daughter called me about the post and I was telling her the details of the request. When I went to check out, the supervisor had overheard my conversation and told the clerk to give me all the clothes I needed. They even had pulled out some larger sizes that hadn't been put out yet. Just that small unselfish act reaffirmed my faith in the love and generosity of people.

I also collected some money so the family could go buy personal items. My brother and his wife came by last night to get everything and we talked a little more about what's needed. He's not sure where the family is even living right now so he said they need clothes and money for food more than anything. This weekend I'll be gathering more clothes for the kids and maybe some school supplies. I know I'll have help from others.

Please leave a comment here and at the other links to raise helping funds. Leaving you with a beautiful picture of flowers growing in the Rockies (another miracle) and a quote from Margaret Mead. I hope all of you have a wonderful, loving week!!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; 
indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has."