Sunday, August 30, 2009

sunday stash/mimi kirchner

Sunday Stash this week includes some more buttons (hearts and flowers). I bought these in ny this summer. Love the whites!!
Also posting about a giveaway from mimi kirchner. Her blog is so wonderful and inspiring. It speaks to the little girls in all of us, loving our dolls. I can remember that when I kissed my dolls good night, I had to kiss them all. Sometimes that would take quite a while. Have fun checking out mimi's dolls. I would kiss them all!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pink saturday

For Pink Saturday this week I'm showing pictures of this fabulous scrapbook shop I went to in Houston. It was so big and everything was decorated so beautifully!!
This is a view of the workroom in the back where scrappers get to play.
I had to take another picture to show the darling awning with pink fringe.
The rainbow of ribbons!!
Just a little shot of pink!
I had so much fun here-not only was it gorgeous but the staff was so sweet and friendly-Texas style!! If y'all have a chance and don't even scrap, just drop in to see it!! Happy pink week!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Iraqi Bundles of Love

My first box is posted and the second not finished yet.
Read all about it here. This idea is wonderful!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pink saturday

Just a little touch of pink! Hope y'all are all doing okay-it's been awhile it seems that I've posted for pink saturday. I made this little purse to put my phone in and a few dollars or debit card. That way I can quickly run in the store or even clip it on the store basket or larger purse.
It also clips on my bike which is a really good thing in case I need the phone while I'm out riding. The outside is made of felted wool and I lined it with a fun print. If you look closely, you'll see that I quilted it with pink thread!
Another project I finished this week is not at all pink. It's a pillowcase style dress appliqued with the letters for our high school football team. The little girl that'll wear this has a dad who's a coach. The little green balls on the letters are like pompoms!
Hope y'all have a great week ahead and looking forward to visiting as many of you as I can!! Happy Pink!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

sunday stash and a Halloween preview

I found the cutest Halloween fabric at Hobby Lobby. Such adorable witches and companions. I need to make some dresses with these! I only bought two yards so I really should go back before they sell it all and buy some more.
These are a few more things I bought in New York at the flea market. Probably will make some brooches with them and other jewelry.
It's really hard to take a picture of black fabric. I want to embroidery on this linen and the ribbon is velvet. Isn't it gorgeous?
Finally, some black cats for Halloween decorations or atcs. I love Halloween-such fun ideas to play with and share.
Hope y'all enjoyed the preview for October and have a wonderful weekend!! Going visit Georgia this afternoon to entertain her while her mom has a open house for potential buyers! Wish her luck! Thanks!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

vintage buckles and buttons

vintage buckles and buttons, originally uploaded by suesueb.

my sunday stash photo for today. it's hard for me to pass up buttons and buckles. especially red!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

perle cotton jewels

another fabulous buy from purl in new york. i love all these jewel tones and plan to embroidery with these. just stuck them on a rack in my studio which i haven't even attached to a wall. still procrastinating finishing up-so much to do still!

the polka dot barn is having a fabulous giveaway!! a beautiful banner for spring! hop on over and enter to win-i'm sharing even though i'm hoping i win. i just found her blog today through yapping cat and can't wait to visit all her archives. have a great day and come back tomorrow for my sunday stash pic!