Thursday, April 30, 2009
new header
decided i needed a new header-the other was too blurry! i made these invites for g's first birthday last december but thought they looked pretty yummy for a spring treat!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
vintage button jewelry
just posting a few pics of some of my jewelry i made to sell at a local craft fair. i didn't do so well-a lot of people looked but didn't buy. these are all made with vintage buttons.
the necklaces have vintage buttons, glass beads, and old watch faces.
my next thought is to list them on the internet. i have to learn how to do that though-i signed up for "artfire" which is like etsy but not as expensive. i may do both for a while and see how it goes. i'm also going to put some of the chenille brooches from my last post there. maybe next week-we'll see.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
pink saturday
good morning! the weather here has been beautiful and pinkness is blooming everywhere, even in my studio room!! the brooches below were made with an vintage chenille blanket that i cut and dyed various colors. i clipped loops and sewed them onto a small piece of wool with wool leaves. each one is a little different. so springtime and fun!!
a few more pieces of jewelry made with vintage buttons and jewelry parts.
hope y'all all have a wonderful pink week. going visit my pink hostess beverly now and the pink party girls!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
studio update and blog win
it's been a while since i posted pics of my new studio. things have been busy, Easter, a community fair my family helps with, and my older son having foot surgery. a snapped a few shots for an update. i have to say i've been sewing in there and it's so lovely. i can open the front door and have a breeze and the light is phenomenal! the shelf unit below was built from a doorway that used to lead into my bedroom. when i had it closed off a friend built these shelves for the girls to display their knickknacks. perfect for my button and ribbon jars.
this is the hotel posting box that i bought so long ago. i had to wrest it from my hubby but replaced it with an antique rolltop desk. already full of patterns, wrapping stuff and other stuff (such as candy, for strength you know!)
this is a view with it closed. pretty neat, uh?
i won these two embroidery patterns on bookwormbethie's blog. hopefully i'll have time to use them soon. i have some kitchen towels to work on and these patterns are perfect!! bethie's embroidery is wonderful!!
i'm watching the golden compass at paul's house-pretty interesting.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter 2009
i hope everyone had a good Easter. the day was windy but the threat of rain didn't keep anyone from enjoying the holiday. i dressed sparkles up before we left and took her picture. i thought she was so cute!
georgia in her Easter outfit. the sweater was too big but still looked so sweet on her. i'll have to try again to make one that fits better.
gabe was too adorable in his Easter suit too. he had so much fun on the trampoline.
the day was beautiful with everyone eating delicious food and laughing and joking all day. God has truly blessed us all.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
pink saturday
good morning to you all! so sorry for posting so late-no camera batteries! and of course, i'm so last minute. i wanted to post some Easter things before tomorrow and i just finished the last of them last night at midnight!! i knitted some eggs from Mrs. Bunny. the first ones are done with a pattern from little cotton rabbits and i wasn't pleased with how they turned out. they were too big for a styrofoam egg and stuffing them didn't quite please me totally. i think i used the wrong kind of yarn but i wanted to use what i had. they are quite cute tho'!
these made me much happier! i used sock yarn which self stripes and changed the pattern up to fit the egg forms.
these are another version-i had to do some without pink for the boys!
all packaged and ready to go!
the letter from Mrs. Bunny to all her little chicks!
i hope you all have a wonderful pink saturday and a Happy Easter! go visit all the pink ladies when you get a chance-so much wonderful pinkness out there!!